Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Nesta Ad Astra

Nesta Wyn Ellis was trained as a scientist and she now uses her scientific skills as an astrologer to help her provide solutions and accurate timing for life choices. She is also a skilled reader of the Tarot and can use her own intuitive gifts to see into your future and to predict the outcome of your present day actions. She can also find the causes in your past for present day problems and help you to eliminate them.

She offers answers to the following questions:

1.How much free will do you have in your life? Can your freedom of choice be limited at any one time and wide open to exploitation at another?
2.You can make choices but will they be the right ones or the best ones for your present and future life?
3.Is there fate, or is there destiny that could rule the major events of your life?
4.Can you change the past in order to change your present and your future?
5.Can you receive warnings of events that can change your life for better or worse?

Nesta says that you sometimes have more free will but that at other times fate, or destiny, have more influence on the state of your life. Each of the three is quite different: fate is usually the accumulation of the results of past actions; destiny is the hidden plan of your life; free will is what you do with both of these and that you always have a choice. In some cases that area of choice is limited, in others it is relatively boundless. The successful person is the one who makes the best use of free will under any circumstances, but very often the most dangerous time is one where you have the most free will and therefore an increased opportunity to make crucial mistakes.

Some people have intuitive power that guides their decisions. Many top businessmen and political leaders have the ability to take the right decisions more often than not. Some successful people are just plain lucky, others follow their hunches and still others back up their hunches with sound analysis of the possible outcome of any course of action.

If you are not one of these intuitive high flyers, or even if you are one, you can benefit in your decision making from a consultation with someone who has knowledge and skill and yes, intuitive power to look into your future for you.

How is it done?
First using the science of Astrology. Yes, Astrology is a science but it is one, which, like economics cannot be tested in a laboratory because there are too many variables at work. It takes an experienced Astrologer, one who has a deep understanding of how planetary and soli-lunar cycles offer opportunities for change. That deep understanding is gained by lifelong study of the effects of certain planetary cycles and the ways in which they interact with other cycles. The effects can be seen in individual lives in terms of relationships, professional success or failure, financial ups and downs, love affairs and marriages, and more.
I find that people come to me for consultations about their lives when the nodes of the moon reach the sign of their nodes at birth, or when they pass over the Ascendant or the Sun of their chart. That is certainly a significant piece of data: it suggests that people intuitively know that change is coming and seek understanding of what to do about it. At present the nodes of the moon are on Sagittarius and Gemini and people with these nodal positions are experiencing change. From Colonel Ghaddaffi to Donald Trump, things are happening in the lives of those with Saggitarius-Gemini nodes or Sun placements. It would take too much space to explain all this here but I have done copious amounts of research into this topic and will soon write a book about it.

Follow this blog from time to time to receive further news about the nodes and their meaning in your life. Individual private consultations with an expert and experienced Astrologer enable a person to take the right choices at the right time.

On a larger scale, companies, governments and nations experience evolutionary or revolutionary change based on the longer cycles of the outer planets and their interaction with each other and the nodes of the moon. (See note on ANITA below or go to

Intuitive analysis can be taken several steps further by the use of Tarot cards. As Carl C. Jung, the notable psychologist and a pioneer of analysis techniques, observed, synchronicity exists between events both in and outside the personal psyche that leads to meaningful interpretations of life events. The use of Tarot cards or the study of astrology both make use of the phenomenon of synchronicity. The selection of one or more Tarot cards by a querent in answer to a question usually provides the answer to that question—if the question is asked correctly.

That is, the question must ask ‘what is the outcome?’ of a certain course of action. And also what is the outcome of a different course of action. One does not ask “Should I take this job?” or “Should I marry this person?” One asks instead for an answer as to the outcome of these courses of action. And there will be subsidiary questions such as what is the outcome in the immediate future or the longer term.

I have successfully predicted the outcome of elections, and political events for a political leader based on a combination of Astrology and the Tarot. I do the same every day for my private clients whose decisions range from which country to live in, whether or when to start a business venture, whether and when to buy a property, whether or when to marry or have a child, and how to deal with many other life decisions from the small and short term to the large and life changing. For more on how my skills, techniques and experience can be applied to your own life decisions write to me at

The forecasts of political and economic change globally and nationally also influence an individual’s personal decisions. I recently launched ANITA at the website to help investors and corporate leaders make decisions. ANITA (astro-nodal-investment-targeting analysis) is based on the study of the cycles of the outer planets of the solar system and their interactions with each other and with the cycles of the Lunar Nodes over long periods of time, sometimes years or decades, sometimes centuries.

Historically these cycles bring war, famine, disease, revolutions or periods of peace and prosperity, globally or to specific nations. Finding out where you or your company stand in relations to such cycles and taking our advice on the best location for your activities and the timing of your actions can make the difference between prosperity and catastrophe.

But why not start with your own life and bring me your queries at Or by calling me on my land line at 0033 (0)1 40 20 47 84

I wish you well.